Monday 23 September 2013

Day 5: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your bloggerfriends.

Note to reader: Yes guys, I know I missed a day. I had legit reasons for my absence..I was studying for my Undang test, lol. (literally some last minute nerding going on last's okay, it paid off.) I shouldn't have procrastinated as much as I did.  Haha :/, oh well. I guess I'll make up by writing 2 posts in one day. :D (no promises, though.)

Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member

Oh, this one's pretty easy. Hannah Khaw Huey Mei. She's all 3 of the above; one of my blogger friends, a real-life friend for life and a sister. In Christ. :P Mindblowing, or what? Anyway, moving on...

That's us right there, and that's Hannah in hot pink ;) Our good ol' Ellie strutting and doing it's thang!

This is for you, Othello, my love. :P

I will always remember the first time I met you at church; with your 'tocang' hair (HAHAHA.) and your baju kurung. I was 7 and I thought, eh I thought Malay cannot go to church one? Lol. That was almost exactly 12 years ago. 

Throughout the years, you've remained a faithful friend. We've had too many good memories together; sleepovers, jodoh-jodoh, firecrackers at the beach during CNY, Barbarella days, Hercules (hergh hergh), shooting love potions, doodling on our little sermon note books, jamming sessions, spitting Barley/Milo out, and the list goes on...

You are probably one of the most talented and brilliant people person I know. I know I often exaggerate (lol) but I really mean it. You're super smart; not only book smart but also street smart, you're super good at the guitar, you play the piano beautifully, I'm yet to hear you play the sax but I'm sure you're improving day by day with practice. You're diligent, hardworking, super creative, you claim you suck at sports-I don't know about that-but I remember you used to be good (maybe swimming in Aus was Your beautiful way of writing captivates peoples' hearts (or at least mine anyway). You're also a young woman after God's own heart, and reading your blog constantly reminds me of how great our God is and all of the good things He has done for me thus far.

I admit I haven't been the greatest of friends.

And sometimes, I feel like I haven't appreciated you enough.

But I just want to let you know that I'm truly blessed to have YOU as a friend, and that I couldn't have asked for a better friend. Thank you for making me a better person. :)


Lotsa love from the babi. <3

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