Sunday, 15 December 2013

More than blessed

I was sitting through my Contemporary Worlds lecture last week and we were talking about how these foreign workers are the people who take on the jobs which, in the eyes of Malaysians, are kind of...degrading? So I was just thinking about it the other day and a thought came to mind.

These people take on jobs such as janitors, rubbish collectors, etc and some people might be thinking, "Why would they take on such jobs?" 

And then there's us. Whether we are 'rich' or'average', most of us are still pretty much complacent with life. But these people, maybe they take on such jobs cause..well, they have nothing to lose in the first place. Earning something is better than not earning anything.

On the other hand, we already have everything we need; and for us, doing such things would just be too much to lose.

I guess all I'm trying to say is, be thankful for what you already have. 

Saturday, 14 December 2013

How to lose friends and make enemies (Not a social experiment.)

Inspired by "Dustyhawk". (Disclaimer: This post has nothing to do with him, nor does it relate to any of his 'doings'. I just thought I might write another 'How-To' post :D)

First of all, remember that you made friends with those people at one point in time. I mean, one can't really lose friends when in the first place he or she never had any friends to begin with, right? Losing friends and eventually, making enemies, is a gradual process. It takes time, but not too long; that you can bet on. :p

'Accidentally' call them by someone else's name

Stop replying their messages. If you feel bad for a start, take it slow. Just keep replying with one of these:
oh i see
gtg, bye

Make them pay for your meals and don't pay them back later on

Tell on them whenever they miss classes or lectures

Gossip about them right in front of them

Don't give them a chance to speak. Or in other words, just keep interrupting their every sentence

Insult their partners

But hang out with them (their partners)

Make promises, and break them

Just pretend they don't exist

And that's how you "Lose Friends and Make Enemies"! ^__^ Simple, right?

By the way, there is a reason why I wrote this post. I just wanted to remind people (including myself) that, these things do hurt your 'friends', and if you continue doing any of these things, you might just lose a friend.

Also, check out my post on 'How to procrastinate like a boss' if you haven't already! Here's the link:

Have a great month ahead! And Merry Christmas in advance! :)

Monday, 18 November 2013


Wow, how time flies. I remember feeling all pumped up about first day of orientation and now, we're already almost 4 weeks in. Oh, and just in case you guys are wondering...I'm having a great time in uni right now. I love hanging around with my bunch of not-so-sane girls and catching up with other friends in uni. Other than the fact that my Arts course has a crapload of reading, and I really do mean it, I think the content is all pretty interesting. :) I also started attending CF since week one, and I have no regrets whatsoever (despite the fact that I have to stay back after uni and wait forever 3.5-4 hours for CF to start). I love making new friends every week and I love how spiritually nourishing CF is, for me.

I've been managing my time considerably well (so far) but I hope I won't start to slack because...well this is only the beginning (HAHA.) and assignments are starting to pile uppp! Oh well. :(

On a brighter note. I finally got my driving license, haha. Partayyy! I hated driving lessons man.

Till next time, guys. I kinda miss blogging but I haven't really had the time to do so these past few weeks. Stay good, peepo! :D And remember to count your blessings!

Monday, 21 October 2013

A thousand years.

Expectations in a relationship.

Oh, how I love my friday nights! :3 I get to meet up with my cell group, haha. It's pretty much the only thing I look forward to all week (other than Saturday!) which I guess is good, in some ways. Gives me something to look forward to, at least. Ohoho, my friday nights would be even more precious once uni starts next week. T_T

Anyway. It was bowling + McD night last Friday night and we ended up talking about lotsa stuff, including interracial relationships and expectations in a relationship. My friend went about telling the rest of us how after being in a relationship for 5 years, she doesn't expect much from her guy anymore because marriage is going to be like that anyway. Hmm, that kinda got me thinking a little bit!

I started questioning myself; whether I expected too much from the other person or not. I think it's only normal that most people place a certain level of expectation on their partners (or what not) but sometimes, expecting too much would eventually just leave us disappointed. I know I have been disappointed countless times before, lol (I'm not talking just in terms of romantic relationships *hahaha* but relationships in general--with your best friend, a close family member, etc). But then again, what am I expecting from the other person, exactly? I think we shouldn't expect too much from the other party, especially if in the first place, he/she is not even your partner (know what I mean bruh?). That way, we won't eventually find ourselves feeling bitter about the other person just because he/she didn't treat you like how you'd expected them to.

If you can't help but feel disappointed...well just tell yourself that it ain't your loss!  :)

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Day 30: React to this term: Letting Go

Letting go.

To me, letting go means to put the past behind us. Letting go is never easy; this is because in most cases, letting go involves us putting something or someone important to us, behind. However, to let go doesn't necessarily mean to forget. It just means that we've decided to face the truth; face reality..and move on. Afterall, every cloud has its silver lining. J

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think each and every one of us has struggled  to let go of  something at some point in our lives; be it a person, a certain position you hold in your workplace or school, resentment, pride, etc. There have been times where I have gotten hurt but yet, I found it hard to let go nevertheless. Why hold on to something that isn't going to benefit you, right?

Easier said than done.

However, letting go is usually the best solution to many problems. Let go of the past and I'm sure something more positive would come your way. :) It's part and parcel of life. Of course, bear in mind that it wouldn't just happen overnight. Letting go requires initial mental preparation. If you're telling yourself that you've already let go but you still grieve over it, then you really haven't let go at all. Letting go isn't supposed to leave you with feelings of anger, remorse or regret.

I don't really know how to end this post, so I shall just end it with a quote and a picture.

"Some of us think holding on makes us strong; 
but sometimes it is letting go." 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Day 29: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories.

Simple Plan-Welcome To My Life. Just reminds me of the good old days in primary school. Hahahaha yeah I listened to a lot of emo songs back then.

Faber Drive-When I'm With You. Yes, another emo song HAHA. Reminds me of my form 2 days. I listened to a lot of Faber Drive and Sum 41 back then.

Switchfoot-Stars. Reminds me of my current BU3 gang. We used to jam to this song in class. Well when I say jam I really mean I'd be drumming (virtually), Glen would be air guitaring and all of us would just be singing to it hahaha. Great memories in form 4.

LMFAO-Party Rock Anthem. Reminds me of how we used to party rock in SHB all day everyday. Hahaha well no not really, but it does bring back fond memories of studying in Bangkok. :) Those were the crazy

Kutless-What Faith Can Do. Brings back memories of Bangkok and also certain people. I think the lyrics are meaningful...yeah. I wouldn't say it has brought me through tough times (lol) but it's definitely a song I'd listen to when I'm feeling down.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Day 28: Only pictures

Photography is one of my many passions but sad to say, I only take "proper shots" when I'm on vacation. Hahahah, I don't really know why. 

Monday, 14 October 2013

Day 27: A letter to your readers

Dear readers,

Hai. Not many people read my blog; wait actually, I think a lot of people don't even know my blog exists. Hahaha, but it's okay. For those of you who read my blog, thanks for taking the time to read through my blog posts--some not so serious ones, some serious ones, mostly just utter crap; but I appreciate it nevertheless. And thank you from the bottom of my heart. Or in other words...from the butt of my heart <3 (if you speak Minion.). Sorry if I bore you at times. Sincere apologies.

3 more days till I'm officially done with the 30 day blog challenge! I actually had fun for the most part, although I must admit, I get prettyyyyy lazy at times...haha. But yes, thanks for being a part of this journey. Till next time. :D

Lotsa fried chicken love,

Day 28, Tuesday: Only pictures

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Day 26: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like.

How does one measure love? [click!]

"Love is not just an emotion. It’s not simply some uncontrollable feeling you fall in and out of. It doesn’t have to be here today and gone tomorrow. Nor does it ever have to leave you, in any relational context, if you don’t want it to.
And that’s because love is measured and maintained primarily by what you give, not what you receive. According to scripture, that’s the love metric: what you give to him, what you sacrifice for her, not necessarily what you feel."

Day 25: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget (good or bad)

"Just being yourself makes you stand out. You've got a genuine heart, Kimberly. Don't let that change. To find someone like you is harder than finding someone like you itself"

Day 24: Your top 3 worst traits

1. I procrastinate too much

2. I don't keep to my word at times. (Not the exact same meaning as breaking a promise, by the way.) I do keep my promises. But sometimes, I tend to say things I don't really mean and that's kinda bad. Well for example, I know this happens to everyone but sometimes I go all like "Ohhh we need to meet up I'm gonna plan an outing" and just doesn't happen. Oh well. I'm guilty of that. ._.

3. I become to too complacent with life sometimes; and then I realise that I start to take people and things for granted.'s never too late to do something about it. :)

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Day 23: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

Our GPA doesn't determine our future.

Our academic performance does not measure our intelligence and self worth.

Once we're out of school, we're on our own. Noone's gonna spoon feed us any longer and we've gotta make decisions on our own.

Love is about giving; not receiving. 

We need to learn how to love ourselves before we can love others; then only will we be able to love Him. 

Teachers aren't always right. (Can I have an AMEN? Amen.)

Life is unfair. Sadly. But oh well,

Day 22: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel.

There are so many 'somethings' I could rant about that I don't know what to rant about. HAHA. Okay well, I actually don't rant that much (I think.) but when I do...I really rant hahah. And after a good amount of time ranting, I apologize to the person that I've been ranting to because I know how painful it is to listen to people ranting all day long. Well not literally get my point.

I guess I'll rant about the first thought that came right up at the top of my head. People who think they're all that and they put others down in order to make themselves feel all high and mighty. I mean, seriously, it pisses me off.

I remember there was this one particular day when I was still in ISB (Intl School of Bangkok). I was just walking towards the cafeteria and this dude pointed to this above-average-weight girl and started laughing, and he made this really crude comment about her. I'm telling you, I honestly felt like punching him right in the face then but, I didn't (for obvious reasons).

Cliche sayings; but putting one down doesn't make you any better than he/she is. Calling someone fat doesn't make you any thinner. Labeling someone as stupid doesn't make you any smarter. Saying that someone is ugly doesn't make you look any better. Telling someone that they have a face problem doesn't mean that you don't have a face problem yourself.

I'm going to be honest with you guys, I've gotten to know quite a few people who were/are known to be in the 'weird' category. And I agree, they may be a little eccentric (lol I'm not sure if that's the right word to use!) but I don't treat them any differently. Why treat them differently? It's people like them that make life a little more interesting, don't you think? :P

Sorry I have a feeling I just kinda went off track but oh, heck.

Day 21: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Sorry to disappoint, I just don't have many options to choose from and sad to say, I don't really have many favourite posts as well lol!

Day 20: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.

I'm struggling with this post. Lol. Kinda.

Well, I of the struggles I'm facing right now has to do with my course options. Never in my life have I thought of pursuing Psychology as a major and it also never occurred to me that I would be taking an arts subject in uni because, well...I did science all my life. But then again, uni is the time where I'm supposed to navigate away from my inner Asian being and try out new things that I think I would find interesting, right? Right. Oh well what's life without taking risks....hmm anyway. Yeah. I'm not very sure (at all), what I want to do after I'm done with my studies. That's a bit of a struggle for me but for now, but I'm just taking it one step at a time. Plus, there's no use worrying. So, I'll just leave my worries to God.

I have a constant struggle of managing my time wisely. I, for one, have never been able to manage my time wisely. I think that's pretty sad, lol. Sure, I could, if I tried realllyyy hard but I'm just too much of a bum sometimes, it's depressing. It's weird how I grew up to be a totally different person compared to when I was still in kindergarten. The first thing I always did when I came back home was do my homework. I loved it ahahah call me weird.

I sometimes struggle with self esteem. I know, I may seem confident to some of you, but in front of others, I'm not. I tend to put myself down at times, and I know that isn't a very good thing. When it comes to things like tests, exams, presentations, performances..I lack confidence. It gets to me sometimes, but like I've said before in one of my earlier posts, it's getting better and I'm still working on it.

Afterall, struggles are meant to be overcome and make one stronger, ain't that right? :)


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Day 19 : Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

I don't know man, I just have this fetish for blogs that are filled with beautiful pictures, lol. (and hilariously beautiful writing)

Day 18 : Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.

Let's rewind all the way back to when I was 5 years old and in kindergarten...

My friends and I are all lining up; just waiting in anticipation for Mrs. Chor to open the door so we can go out to play. Well...they're not exactly my friends. I don't really talk to them. I just stay silent all day errday, I don't really know why. But that's just me. Mrs. Chor is coming and all of us become even more excited. As soon the door opens, everyone immediately dashes out and pushes me over. I am left lying flat on the floor--face down. 5 seconds ago, I felt like my whole backbone was breaking into pieces from the impact exerted when the other kids ran over me (literally). I start wailing in agony; and as usual, Mrs. Chor comes to my rescue. She calms me down and rubs Zam Buk all over my back.

Aaaaanddddd....I don't remember what happens next. But oh times, fun times. :D

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Day 17: A favorite photo of yourself and why

Because this is the happiest I'm ever gonna look in a picture. Can you see HAPPY written all over my face?

Young, wild; and free.

Day 16: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

There is not much I can say about this particular topic because I think I've been pretty contented for the most part and I really have to thank God for that. However, I do struggle a lot at times but I'm not planning to tell the whole world about it. :) So...I'm sorry to disappoint? :D

I have to say this though; things don't always go my way and life often doesn't turn out as how I plan it to be but I believe that God has a plan for me and all I can do now is continue to trust in Him. It's not always easy, I admit, but I do have faith--faith as small as a mustard seed.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

What does the fox say?

Hey guys, I'll be away for a church camp this weekend so...I'll be back on Sunday! 

Till then, take care peepo. Have a blessed weekend. :D


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Day 15: A Day in the life

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, whoops.

Yeah I finally sorta worked out haha. Did bout 3km. (I'll let you in on a secret-I NEVER work out/exercise. Ever.)

Stupid pedals


Ice cream at midnight while on a Good Doctor marathon muahaha

Slept in braids HAHAHA.

Result the next morning. Okaaaaay bai. :)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy

Good food. 

Good music. 

Quality time with the fambamz.

 Friends who matter. 

Making someone else's day. 

Spontaneous outings. 

The beach. 

Sales and discounts. (HEH.) 



Monday, 30 September 2013

Day 13: Issue a public apology.

To the four cats next door. I'm sorry for always chasing you guys away all the time by banging on the windows in order to scare you and also shouting at you. I'm also sorry if my dad used water guns to shoot water at ya'll; but you guys should know that ya'll are really annoying. Please stop meowing at midnight.

To all my SHB teachers. Sorry for humming in all your classes 24/7, I can't help it. Mr. P, I'm sorry I took a picture of your girlfriend's (now fiance) photograph that was always on your desk. You weren't at school that day so I seized the opportunity. I wish you two all the best. (P/S I already deleted the picture a long time ago.)

To all my friends who drive. I'm sorry I always have to depend on you guys to drive me around. :P Don't worry, I'm gonna be getting my license pretty soon.

To my closest friends. I'm sorry I haven't been the friend that I should've been.

To the family. Sorry for being a disappointment at times, but I'm thankful that you all still love me and support me no matter what. :')

To all my readers. Sorry if I ever bore you with the crap that I write about at times. Heh.

Day 12: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

I MISS SYDNEY! I really do. Lol. The family went to there last year before flying off to Canberra for Mel's graduation. I think I'm happiest when I'm on vacation with the whole fambamz. I don't know, Sydney was just a really, really enjoyable and satisfying trip. Our schedules were full everyday and I loved every second of it. Lol. I loved the food that we ate, the places that we went to, all the memories that we had there but just like I've mentioned earlier, I'm happiest when I'm with the whole family because it's not often that Mel gets to join us. I felt like a child again, back in Sydney last year; free of worries. Oh, how I long for that again. Haha but then again, what is life without ups and downs?

Let the pictures do all the talking. :)

It's just not right to go to Sydney without going to Bondi Beach.

FRIED MARS BARS. T___T Why don't we have that here in M'sia. I am deeply saddened.