Saturday 19 October 2013

Day 30: React to this term: Letting Go

Letting go.

To me, letting go means to put the past behind us. Letting go is never easy; this is because in most cases, letting go involves us putting something or someone important to us, behind. However, to let go doesn't necessarily mean to forget. It just means that we've decided to face the truth; face reality..and move on. Afterall, every cloud has its silver lining. J

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think each and every one of us has struggled  to let go of  something at some point in our lives; be it a person, a certain position you hold in your workplace or school, resentment, pride, etc. There have been times where I have gotten hurt but yet, I found it hard to let go nevertheless. Why hold on to something that isn't going to benefit you, right?

Easier said than done.

However, letting go is usually the best solution to many problems. Let go of the past and I'm sure something more positive would come your way. :) It's part and parcel of life. Of course, bear in mind that it wouldn't just happen overnight. Letting go requires initial mental preparation. If you're telling yourself that you've already let go but you still grieve over it, then you really haven't let go at all. Letting go isn't supposed to leave you with feelings of anger, remorse or regret.

I don't really know how to end this post, so I shall just end it with a quote and a picture.

"Some of us think holding on makes us strong; 
but sometimes it is letting go." 

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