Thursday 10 October 2013

Day 22: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel.

There are so many 'somethings' I could rant about that I don't know what to rant about. HAHA. Okay well, I actually don't rant that much (I think.) but when I do...I really rant hahah. And after a good amount of time ranting, I apologize to the person that I've been ranting to because I know how painful it is to listen to people ranting all day long. Well not literally get my point.

I guess I'll rant about the first thought that came right up at the top of my head. People who think they're all that and they put others down in order to make themselves feel all high and mighty. I mean, seriously, it pisses me off.

I remember there was this one particular day when I was still in ISB (Intl School of Bangkok). I was just walking towards the cafeteria and this dude pointed to this above-average-weight girl and started laughing, and he made this really crude comment about her. I'm telling you, I honestly felt like punching him right in the face then but, I didn't (for obvious reasons).

Cliche sayings; but putting one down doesn't make you any better than he/she is. Calling someone fat doesn't make you any thinner. Labeling someone as stupid doesn't make you any smarter. Saying that someone is ugly doesn't make you look any better. Telling someone that they have a face problem doesn't mean that you don't have a face problem yourself.

I'm going to be honest with you guys, I've gotten to know quite a few people who were/are known to be in the 'weird' category. And I agree, they may be a little eccentric (lol I'm not sure if that's the right word to use!) but I don't treat them any differently. Why treat them differently? It's people like them that make life a little more interesting, don't you think? :P

Sorry I have a feeling I just kinda went off track but oh, heck.

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