Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Are women really that difficult to read?

Women often think that men are difficult to read, but more often than not, we overhear conversations and stumble across comments on the web saying that we are difficult almost impossible to read (according to most, if not all, men). I don't see what the challenge is, really. Well, at least I think I'm easy to read.

When I'm tired, I keep quiet.
When I'm upset, I keep quiet.
When I'm angry, I keep quiet.
When I'm sleepy, I keep quiet.
When I'm not in the mood, I keep quiet.
When I'm bored, I keep quiet.
When I'm stressed out, I keep quiet.
When I'm paying attention, I keep quiet.
When I'm distracted, I keep quiet.
When I don't know what to say, I keep quiet.
When I have too many things to say that I don't know what to say, I keep quiet. know, I'd like to think I'm pretty transparent and easy to read. I still don't understand the reasoning behind society's preconceived notion of women being difficult to read.

#FunFact: Often times, people just can't tell whether I'm being sarcastic or not. Just in case you were wondering, I was obviously being genuine about my opinions in this blog post.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Time heals...or does it?

Time doesn't always heal. Things will heal with time, most times. But God ALWAYS heals - in His time. Be it a wound or a scar.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

When everything seems to go wrong.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but listen to that small voice in my head.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but hope for the best.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but accept that life happens.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but accept the fact that I can't have everything I want in life.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but realise that I'm not the only one in the world going through this.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but be reminded that I have friends and family who will support me through these times.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but pray.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but rely on God.

When everything seems to go wrong, there's nothing I can do but to trust in God.

And when things still don't go my way despite surrendering to God...I'm rest assured that in His time, everything will fall into place because He has a better plan for me.

"Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."     Proverbs 3:5-6 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

A guiltless death.

I am currently sitting on the wooden parquet floor in the master bedroom. There are colored pencils scattered all over the floor. I pick one of them up and start coloring the pictures in my favorite Enid Blyton book to kill boredom. I see my sister running towards the room all of a sudden, her face lighting up. I wonder if I have just missed out on something. I immediately stop coloring and look up at her even as she stands above me, panting.

 “Kim, Kim! Natalie just gave birth!” she exclaims excitedly.

Natalie is my parents’ birthday gift to my sister. She is a ginger colored hamster with fur that is ever so soft.

“Yeah, right. Don’t lie,” I say.                            

“I’m not! Come and see yourself lah if you don’t believe!” she says.

Before I even have time to put my colored pencils away (my colored pencils are my prized possessions, by the way), my sister drags me along to my very own bedroom where Natalie had just given birth. This is where we keep the hamster’s cage. I look wide-eyed at the new born baby hamsters in awe. This is my first time witnessing a hamster giving birth with my own eyes. I put on a disgusted look on my face. I wonder if all baby hamsters look like that when they first come out.

 “Ew, they look so ugly,” I tell my sister.                                                          

Blushing pink, bald, furless, eyes still enclosed under a thin sheet of membrane and tiny skeleton-like legs. My room is starting to smell like decomposing meat.

A few weeks have passed. Natalie’s babies look more like hamsters now. All five of them are starting to grow fur and they are growing bigger each day. I think they look a whole lot cuter than before. My favorite is Snowy.

 I cannot tell what time it is, but the sun is starting to set. I am lying down on the sofa, not doing anything. Boredom is eating me up. I get up from the sofa and walk up the flight of stairs. I feel as if it is taking me forever to reach the top of the staircase. I tiptoe into the master bedroom and I see that both my mother and my sister are taking a nap. I decide not to wake them up and instead, take Snowy out for a ‘little walk’. I open up the hamsters’ cage and I take Snowy out and cup him into my hands, just like always. This time, I decide to let Snowy run about freely on the floor. I get up on both feet with Snowy still within the grasp of my two hands. I stand up and all of a sudden, Snowy scurries out of my hand’s grip and lands on the floor.


I freeze.

I am pretty sure my heart just skipped a few beats. I feel a shortness of breath.

I want to pick Snowy up, I really do…but I am afraid that he might be dead. Tears start to well up in my eyes. My throat is tight, and I cannot utter even one word. Fear starts to take control over me. I close my eyes and count to three, hoping that everything would be fine once I open them. One, two, three, I count in my head. I slowly open up my eyes and I see that Snowy is still on the floor, lying in the same position as before. I gather up all my courage and pick Snowy up, my hands trembling with fear. Snowy starts blinking. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he is still alive but he is somehow not as active as before. I put him back into the cage, only to realise that Snowy cannot walk properly. It seems to me like his two back legs are broken. I feel as if a knife has been stabbed right through my heart. I can feel my heart breaking.

Oh God, what did I just do…

I see the sun shining right through the window shades and the first thing I do is check on Snowy. I am starting to panic.  I see Snowy sleeping. I blow onto his fur to wake him up, but he shows no response. I blow no more. I know that Snowy is already dead. Gone. Forever. I cry uncontrollably. This is entirely my fault, and I know it. My mother and sister hear the sound of my cry. They try to console me.

 “It’s not your fault, Kim. I’m sure you didn’t mean to do that,” my mother tries to comfort me.

But it is no use. I know that I am the cause of this. I've just killed my favourite hamster…

My sister digs a hole in our garden using a toy spade for the burial of Snowy. The thought of Snowy rotting in the dug up hole makes me feel sick already. I fold a paper heart and bury it together with Snowy’s petite body. I hope he receives my paper heart in heaven. I don't know if there is a heaven for animals, but I hope that Snowy will know that I always loved him and never meant to take his life away, wherever he is at this very moment. I try to hold back my tears but they stream down on my face anyway. I will never forget the days when Snowy and I used to spend time together. The guilt that I feel deep within me will never cease to be erased out of my memory. 


[Note: This was based on a true story. However, events took place about 14 years ago.]

Monday, 25 January 2016

5 things people claim to understand

...but really don't!

In my 21 years (ish) of living, I've had friends come to me for BGR advice and I probably gave them great, practical advice at that time. I felt like the paragon of all love gurus. Well, little did they know, I'd never experienced having a boyfriend before. But sure, I learn from the mistakes of others and I try my best (?) to do what I think is best for me.

And then, there are those rare days where someone comes up to me with unfortunate news and I just sit there wondering what I should say or do. Of course, I result to saying the most cliche of all sayings, "I understand how you feel". Or even better, "Life is unfair. Sometimes things just don't go the way we want them to". Of which I totally agree with, mind you. But yes, I do hesitate while saying the words "I understand how you feel", because I haven't gone through what they've been through and I feel as if I don't have the rights to say that I do.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the statement on its own is politically incorrect in certain social contexts, what I'm meaning to say is that..if I'm feeling shitty (please excuse the occasional coarse language as if you don't give a s*** about my s***z.) and all, don't tell me that you understand, because..well, you just don't, and it isn't gonna make me feel any better. If you went through what I've gone through as well, then great, we're in the same boat and we can bond over a weeping sesh.

With that being said, everyone is different and we all go through difference experiences in different phases of life.

These are 5 things that people claim to understand, but really don't/won't. Unless they've actually had similar experiences before.

1) Loneliness

We've all been there before-feeling lonely. But there are different kinds of loneliness, or so to speak. You could go to a friend's party and feel lonely because you don't know anyone, or moving to a foreign land where you know absolutely no one and you spend months feeling alone, or you could be forever alone (literally) and be single your whole life and feel like you need to find the right one a.s.a.p., or you could be in a room filled with people that you already 'know'...and yet, still feel lonely. In my opinion, loneliness is one of the worst things that anyone could feel. I know, because I've experienced all 'kinds' of loneliness. Loneliness also probably plays a big role in anxiety disorders, depression and possibly suicide. Wow okay, enough with the morbidity Kimberly.

2) Experiencing the death of a loved one

Hmm, this one..people usually admit to it if they haven't experienced it before and don't know how it feels like having a loved one pass away.. I actually wouldn't really know what to say to a friend who's grieving over a loved one's death either, actually. So I don't know how to tackle this one. Lol.

3) Growing up in a dysfunctional family

100% of the population would think that arguments and quarrels within a family are only normal-and I agree with that. However, these things happen at varying degrees, and I believe that numerous individuals have been impacted negatively by their family upbringing. I can only be thankful and blessed that I have grown up feeling loved by both my parents. Sometimes, all we want is life is to be loved, and to feel loved. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to experience that.

4) Lack of self-worth/self-esteem

There are people in this world who have a deep sense of self-worthlessness and lack of self-esteem, and it doesn't help for an extreme optimist to just go up to that person and just be like, "Hey, you got this man, I know you can do it! " Well, of course, it's always good to encourage others. However, over the years, I've learnt that learning to love yourself doesn't just happen over night; it is one long, slow process of learning in progress. I, myself have quite low self esteem, I think (no matter how confident I may seem at times, through my writing or in real life). Well, it never hurts to keep complimenting and encouraging those around us nevertheless!

5) Betrayal

I don't remember being 'betrayed' by anyone before-at least to the extent where I would hunt them down to the ends of the earth if I had a chance. Haha. So...I can't say much about this. However, I know people who have been betrayed in the past, and those incidences have definitely affected their whole outlook on life negatively. Nevertheless, my wish is that I would never have to experience any form of betrayal, especially by a loved one...that would be heartbreaking.