Saturday, 17 October 2015

B'day dedication to the one and only RENEE CHEWIES!

This is by far, one of the worst things I've ever done and the most honest confession I have ever made (as far as I can remember). Today marks the 22nd year that my best friend (aka myself) has been on this earth. And guess what? I've been so caught up with life, not paying attention to the dates and everything that I actually forgot it was the 17th of October. It's now 11.36pm in Melbourne and...I still can't believe I forgot. WOWWWWWWW what a failure. Anyway, this public birthday post isn't an apology to say sorry that your birthday slipped my mind like wow I'm so mad at myself you have no idea LOL but anywayyy, LIFE GOES ON...

I've known you for close to 2 years now and I've to say, I've never met anyone like you. You've the purest soul. Such a good heart, kind soul, weird being, funny to the max, hard working, creative, musically gifted and well, you're just beautiful both inside and out. I'd make a whole list of your amazing qualities, and also a separate list of your strange jokes, and a separate list for every person's name that you've forgotten, and another list for the amount of times you've had to explain to someone about the story behind your fear/hatred for eggs, but..the list could kinda go on forever. LOL. I've a lot to say, but at the same time I don't really know what to say because there's too much to say. I guess..hmm. I'm just really thankful for you, I thank God for putting you in my life because I know for sure that my life would be very different if I hadn't met you. Especially my life in Monash. Also, I miss(ed) you every day when I was/am in Melbourne. It's kinda saddening sometimes, not being able to eat and hang with you and all that good old fun stuff lol or just being with you and doing nothing and not saying anything, but oh wait we don't really have silent conversations do we, HAHA. 

Anyway, I can't wait to go back to Malaysia and see your beautiful face in person and hang with you cause I miss you so much T_T Happy birthday once again, to be honest, I feel like the most terrible horrible vegetable friend ever for totally forgetting this special day of yours, but I guess being honest with you is the least I could do right now. Lol! But really, thank you for your friendship and you're the David to my Jonathan. LOL okay that sounded reallyyy weird've been the greatest friend. I pray that our friendship will continue to blossom like flower and may God reveal Himself to you more and more even as you seek Him, and you'll be the woman that God has called you to be. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and to many others, I'm sure. :) And omgosh this is the most formal I've ever written to you HAHAH.

Hope you had a great one, take care and ILY (I really do, but I feel extremely weird saying or typing that out so...much love!) Stay amazing coz u iz more than amazing <3

Sunday, 11 October 2015

The most dreaded question: "How are you?"

"How are you?"

"How's life?"

"How've you been?"

"But really, how've you been lately?"

I hate it when people ask me those questions. I mean, I don't hate them for asking those questions, it's more like I hate answering those questions. Why? Because I don't know myself. If life's going well, then yeah, life's good. I'll end the conversation at that. But no, I usually don't know how my life is going, my standard answer would always be "Good! ..I guess" or "Fine. I guess" or "Umm..pretty good?" Or something along those lines. On the other hand, when things aren't going to well, I'd say "Alright...not great but yeah I'm not gonna tell you about my problems and how depressed I am right now cause I'm not that close to you and I suck at expressing myself anyway so yeah".

And how do people usually respond to my answers? " don't seem too happy". But what am I supposed to say? I don't even know, lol. Sometimes I don't want to sound like an idiot, so I just make something up. Like "Oh good, went on a road trip last weekend. Had a blast, mate" and yeah the subject usually shifts towards another direction after that.

But really, how do you guys even answer those questions? Do you really mean what you say? Cause I definitely don't. Most times anyway...