Saturday, 29 June 2013

Every ending is a new beginning

Graduation is what?

When we SHB-ians were studying for our A level exams, our friends from other schools had already graduated from IB etc and we were just dreading it-having to see happy posts and pictures of friends graduating while our exams weren't even over yet. Lol. That felt like agesss ago! But on the 25th of June, we finally graduated! Wow 2 years have passed by just like that. I wish I had more time to spend with these lavlee people that I've met here but I guess life goes on. I'm sure we'd all still keep in touch though, whether through Facebook or whatsapp. :) 

Now that I've already graduated, and I have slightly more than 3 months before I start Uni, I'm not exactly sure what I'd be doing with my life. Hahahha. I reckon I'd be spending my remaining time here in Bangkok with all my friends before we all go our own separate ways...oh wow, and I just had to make it all sound even more sad lol. Shrewsbury '13 has been as amazing year group and I'm glad I got to spend my last 2 years of senior high in SHB :) I've forged so many new friendships here and also had numerous first-time experiences! I shan't name them all here hahah. Anyways. 

I wanna thank SHB 13 for making these past 2 years such a memorable one for me. Aishah, Eh, Praew, Kanita, Cindy, you guys are awesome and you guys are just mad. HAHA. We should've had more sleepovers lol. :P Thanks guys, for being so welcoming. You guys are pretty weird, so I feel at home <3 HEHE no offence guys. I still love you. :)) Thanks for always making my day with all your funny weird stories and strange dreams. And also laughing over absolutely nothing! LOL.

Also, Sanne Pamela Kimi Kitten, you guys are one hecka group of crazee peepo that's why I love you guys hahahaa thanks for making my life in SHB awesome :D You guys are the shit (hence, the "Shit Pack")

13DA, the best form group ever <3. Alex thanks for making my dull mornings more alive with all the crap you talk about. I actually think you're a genuinely nice guy though you are also one of the strangest people I know hahahha but that makes you awzum. ;) Mook and Neung, you guys have been great company and also such fun people hahaha I never get bored talking to you guys. :P

Samira, Noey, Majeed, Jenil and gang, it was great getting to know you guys hahah, being around you guys made me feel comfortable. And you guys kinda make me laugh too :P

Williams, you'll always be the no.1 house in my heart HAHHAA. I'm thankful for being given the opportunity to be involved in a few of the events especially the House Music competition. If not for that, I'd never have gotten to know some of you so well. Eh, SJ, Zach, Pinn and everyone else. You guys made music practices awesome. Bahahah I'd love to jam with you guys again someday. Also, thank you Por and Filippo for being a great house captain :)

There's so much to write about so many people but this post is getting a tad bit too long so...if I've not mentioned your name, don't feel sad. I love you all the same! Again, thanks for making school such a fun experience (lol, true story brah) and also thanks for making me a better person.

All the best in university and here's to many more years of friendship to come! :)


 Praewaaa :D

 With the Alex
 Goofing around with Samira and Sanne :)
 Cindy :)
Matty Jenil and Eh, all such cute peepo :3
With ze Keanu
Eh :) Thanks for everything and for being such a good friend <3
Daddy's gurl :P
After grad dinnah :D
With the gurls
Besties <3
Heeheehee us with purdy flowers :)
Kimi, one of the very first people who talked to me when I first came to SHB 2 years ago :)
Aish :) Thanks for being such a retard with me this whole time, trololol xx
The Rit being manly and all

Thanks Simon for everything - food, the talks, etc

Mommy's gurl :P

Graduated! :')

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Why I decided to create a new blog


As some of you may know, I used to have this blog ( Well I mean, I still have it, but it's pretty much dead. My final A level paper ended on the 19th of June and I decided that I wanted to start blogging again. :D So here I am. 

Why kimbleeboey?
Well I thought people would be able to remember this better than "kimmycintayou" since my foreign friends don't even know what cinta actually means lol. (It means love, btw.) So yeah!

Why start a new blog?
Hmm I guess I just wanted to write and share my thoughts and opinion on stuff. And well in general, just talk about anything at all, really. Feel free to give suggestions on what you would like me to blog about! :) [music, fashion, love, life, food, just anything.] I could've just continued writing in my old blog, but I figured I wanted to start afresh, as my previous blog was kinda full of crap, also unnecessary information about my personal life lol. So, here's to a new start! Woohoo. 

Signing out, 